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Skill and Drills Clinic with Coaches Hannah and Marilu
Wednesday December 27, 10am - 12 Noon at Main Beach!
Two of our favorite SC Beach alumni and Coaches, and current UCLA and Cal Beach Volleyball players Hannah Flemming and Marilu Pally are back in town for the holidays and will lead this Clinic. This is an awesome opportunity to get on the beach and learn some of the skills and drills that Coaches Hannah and Marilu have been working on at UCLA and Cal! Two of the top D1 beach volleyball programs in the country!
Head Coaches: Hannah Flemming and Marilu Pally
Age Group: all ages
Practice Location: Main Beach Courts
Wednesday December 27, 10am-12 Noon at Main Beach!
The Clinic is open to all ages and abilities. Players will be grouped on courts according to experience and skill level.

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